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Individual Sessions

33 individual lectures
upon completion of all lectures 

Individual Sessions

We strongly recommend that LSF and LSI are studied as complete courses. Information given in each lecture has relevance to other lectures. The course is best experienced as a ‘holistic’ learning journey.

For those just wanting to learn about or brush up their knowledge on a particular subject, all of the LSF AND LSI lectures can be purchased individually.

Although it is more cost effective to purchase the entire LSF or LSI courses, buying the lectures individually gives the option to spread the cost and to ‘pay-as-you-go’.

No certification is available for individual lectures. If the entire LSF or LSI courses are studied by ‘pay-as-you-go’ the examinations can be taken to obtain your ‘Certificate of Understanding’.

For more details on our individual lectures, visit the Live Sound Fundamentals & Live Sound Intermediate pages.

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